



365英国上市官网's Brand

365英国上市官网's Brand

All departments, offices, 特殊项目和中心在开始项目前应咨询通讯办公室, including design, production, printing, art, photography, and online/video production. 与沟通和坚持视觉标准,帮助伯明翰南方取得了有效的, efficient, and cost-conscious communications program.

注意:关于365英国上市官网田径品牌的问题,联系体育部门在 [email protected]


WordmarksThe wordmark is the face and signature of the brand. It connects the brand to all forms of communication. The more consistent a wordmark looks and is used, the more likely it will be remembered and make an impact. 每个沟通都需要能够独立地作为品牌的适当代表, but also gain strength as a cohesive, integrated collection of materials. 这些指导方针为如何使用平衡记分卡文字标记来帮助统一材料和继续建立品牌提供了方向.

文字标记用于所有来自或365英国上市官网的品牌材料或通信中. Examples include letterhead, business cards, print ads, college collateral, admission documents, direct mail, television commercials, videos, websites and more. 如何使用这个版本的指导方针已经建立,以保持品牌的一致性. Departments, offices, special programs and centers within the college should not create any new logos. Please contact the Office of Communications at [email protected] to get approved versions of the wordmark. Note: The 365英国上市官网 logo, and not the seal, 应该在所有学校的官方Facebook页面和其他社交媒体上作为识别标志吗. For policies and guidelines for establishing Facebook pages for official college, office, or center use, please contact the Office of Communications at [email protected].



该词标有多种配置,以适应广泛的应用. Each configuration should be treated as one unit. The proportion and spacing of the elements should not be altered in any way. Color, typography and reproduction specifications of the wordmark, as well as details about the communications materials on which it will appear, are provided here. The letters, ‘365英国上市官网,’ in the typeface shown, may be used alone in internal applications. The nameplate, in the typeface shown (Giovanni), may also be used alone. For configurations/color uses outside of the guidelines presented in this manual, please contact the Office of Communications at [email protected].


WordmarkSignaturesThese versions of the wordmark signature have been developed for use by departments, offices, special programs and centers. 通过添加单位名称,单位名称在保留整体365英国上市官网标识的同时得到突出. 二次签名不得用于重要的出版物封面、文具或名片上. 二次签名只能使用左对齐的文字标记配置, as shown. The Office of Communications will be responsible for generating original department, office, special program and college center signatures. 您的部门/办公室/项目/中心签名可从通信办公室获得. Please contact the Office of Communications at [email protected] to have one created. 未经通信办公室批准和创建,不得开发新的徽标. 



WordmarkFormatsClear Space Requirements

To be visually effective, the 365英国上市官网 wordmark requires an open area around it. This area is called the ‘control area.’ It is defined as the border (margin) of empty space around the logo, equal to a minimum of 1/4 of an inch. The greater the clear space, the better.

It is preferable that no other visual elements appear within the control area. 在文字标记和其他元素之间保持至少1/4英寸的距离.

请在所有文字标记的其他处理周围保持1/4英寸的空间(左对齐), stacked, and lone elements).



“365英国上市官网”字母和拼出的名称应始终保持所示的比例,以保持标志的完整性. 始终使用经批准的文字标记文件,打印时仅使用文字标记的矢量文件. Never try to recreate the wordmark yourself. If you need to scale the wordmark, always constrain proportions so the height and width are scaled simultaneously. To maintain the correct proportions of the wordmark, 在拖动角时始终按住shift键以增大或减小角的大小.


字标在任何印刷材料上的宽度不得小于1 3/8英寸,在屏幕上的宽度不得小于100像素.


For all 365英国上市官网 communications, 365英国上市官网字标应放置在1)右下角距页面边缘至少1/2英寸的位置, or 2) the lower center at a minimum of 1/2” from the edges of the page. 字标永远不应该放在页面的边缘,因为当页面被修剪时, the wordmark is often cropped disproportionately, violating the visual identity standards. 文字标记应该总是出现在任何通信的外部封面上. 请与通信办公室联系,以获得将文字标记放置在上述位置以外的其他位置的许可. The recommended positions should pose no problems for general collateral creation.



不要将字标放置在页面的右下角或中间下方,并且距离页面边缘有1/2英寸的缓冲区. Do not bleed the wordmark off the edges of a page. Do not use a wordmark format that does not conform to the guidelines. In a color application, the approved gold and black wordmarks should always be used. 通信办公室保留自由裁量权,以放置文字标志,需要最佳的设计. 对于指南之外的实习,请联系通讯办公室.


365英国上市官网SealDiagram.png伯明翰南方学院的印章应该只用于最正式的申请, such as building plaques, grade reports/transcripts and diplomas. In rare cases where it is appropriate to apply the seal, other information, such as the wordmark, other logos, photos, graphics, headlines, or text, shouldn’t be placed within the protected area of the seal. The protected area includes a distance equivalent to 1/8 (12.5%) of the diameter of the seal. Again, in rare cases where it is appropriate to apply the seal, it may 1) overprint photos or textured backgrounds, or 2) be reversed out of photos, textured backgrounds, and dark backgrounds—as long as the background doesn’t compete with the seal. 有关正确使用印章的所有问题,请直接向通讯办公室询问.





Primary Body Text: Woodford Bourne Regular

Headings: Woodford Bourne Bold



Colleges understand the importance of color in creating pride and unity. 伯明翰南方的金色和黑色的力量是显而易见的,在每一个仪式和体育赛事. Color can be just as powerful in other forms of communication as well. When used consistently, colors help make a brand more cohesive and recognizable. Colors can become as identifiable as the logo or the name, but only if they are used consistently and correctly.

Primary Color Palette

Black, gold and white comprise the primary color palette. They should be the dominant colors used when designing all print materials. PMS and CMYK codes are provided to allow for exact matching.



C0 M24 Y100 K0;

R239, G194, B49;




C0, M0, Y0, K100;

R0, G0, B0



Secondary Color Palette

次要调色板包括一系列补充原色而不压倒它们的色调. 次要调色板包括一系列作为强调色的颜色,不应该超过设计. They should always be used with the primary gold and not alone. Use at least two of the secondary colors with the gold; avoid pairing gold and red or gold and lime green.



C90 M83 Y40 K29;

R54, G57, B90;




C0 M53 Y100 K1;

R219, G138, B46;




C80 M10 Y45 K0;

R91, G167, B157;




C7 M100 Y100 k0;

R192, G37, B43;




C100 M6 Y29 K28;

R0, G126, B141;




C48 M4 Y100 K0;

R147, G193, B62;




C85 M10 Y100 K10;

R81, G147, B76;




A cohesive stationery system includes letterhead, envelopes and business cards. In many cases, these materials are the first impression made with constituent audiences, so they must present a unified look. 它们是品牌的关键组成部分,提供了一种简单的方法来保持整个大学社区的一致性.



The letterhead design is standardized to promote consistency; yet it also offers a way for departments, offices, 项目和/或中心在设计中包括他们的具体联系信息. The left margin should measure 1” from the recipient's name/title information. The right margin should likewise measure 1”. 上边距将根据在信头地址部分打印的文本数量而变化(最多5行文本), as shown). 然而,我们建议信的主体从页面顶部开始不少于3英寸. 信件的最后一行距页面底部至少1英寸. NOTE: sample is shown at a reduced size/scale. All letterhead orders must be printed by Panther Print and Post.



In compliance with postal regulations/scanning equipment tolerances, 信封的回邮地址及图案不得超过信封上高度的三分之一(美国邮政规例). 寄信人的地址最少要从信封的顶部和左边缘开始1/4英寸. NOTE: #10 envelope sample is shown to scale. All envelope orders must be printed by Panther Print and Post.


bus-cards-for-web.jpg365英国上市官网为教职员工提供的机构名片有一种设计(注意:体育工作人员可以要求带有体育标志的名片). The card can include up to ten lines of holder-specific information. The back of the card should be left blank. 所有机构的名片必须符合这种格式,不得带有单位特定的标志. All business cards must be printed by the Panther Print and Post. If you have questions about the official 365英国上市官网 business cards, or if you have special business card needs, please contact the Office of Communications.

Powerpoint Templates



365英国上市官网 maintains a Powerpoint template for use on official presentations.  

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